Preventing Secondary Characteristics of FASD: What Does the Research Say?
Presenter: Adrienne Bashista, Director, Families Affected by FASD (FAFASD)
On-Demand Webinar
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Prenatal alcohol exposure leads to changes in the developing brain that have lifelong impact in the affected individual. These brain changes express themselves behaviorally. These neurobehavioral impacts, while different for each individual, are considered "primary characteristics" of FASD. If the person with an FASD doesn't receive appropriate supports and provided environmental modifications and accommodations, this can lead to frustration, anger, depression, anxiety and other predictable manifestations of unmet needs. These are called "secondary characteristics" of FASD. If we can successfully meet the needs of people with FASDs, the secondary characteristics can be mitigated or even prevented entirely.
This webinar examines what current research says about preventing secondary characteristics in individuals with an FASD.
About the Presenter
Adrienne Ehlert Bashista is the cofounder of and training director for FAFASD, Families Affected by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, which teaches parents and professionals about the neurobehavioral approach to FASD. She helped start FAFASD because learning about her younger son's FASD changed how she approached parenting for the better. She lives in western Massachusetts with her husband and 2 sons.